Kimya, petrol, ahşap fabrikaları, doğal gaz, LPG, kömür madenleri gibi yanıcı ve patlayıcı maddelerin yer aldığı birçok endüstriyel alanda rutin iş akışlarında veya teknik arıza gibi durumlarda parlayıcı ortam oluşmaktadır. Elektrikli cihazların çıkardığı kıvılcım bu ortamları tehlikeye düşürmekte ve patlamalara sebep olabilmektedir. Bu gibi çalışma ortamlarında, patlama veya tutuşmaya sebep olmayacak cihazlar tercih edilmelidir. Bu özellikteki ekipmanlara exproof tanımlaması kullanılmaktadır.
What are the Exproof Standards?
- IEC/EN-60079-0 / Genel standart
- IEC/EN-60079-1 / Flameproof
The equipment structure is such that it can withstand an internal explosion. The escaping (hot) gases must be too cold to be a source of ignition by the time they reach the outside of the enclosure. - IEC/EN-60079-2 / Pressurization
The equipment is pressurized with air or an inert gas to a positive pressure with respect to the surrounding atmosphere so that the surrounding flammable atmosphere cannot come into contact with energized parts of the apparatus. - IEC/EN-60079-5/ Power charging
Equipment components are completely covered with a layer of sand, dust or quartz. - IEC/EN-60079-6 / Oil immersed
Equipment components are completely immersed in oil. - IEC/EN-60079-7 / Increased safety
The equipment is very robust and the components are produced with high quality. - IEC/EN-60079-11 / Internal security
Any arc or spark in this equipment does not have sufficient energy (heat) to ignite a vapor - IEC/EN-60079-15 / Non-sparking(arc preventer)
The equipment does not ignite or generate sparks. - IEC/EN-60079-18 / Encapsulation
The equipment components of the equipment are usually coated with a resin type material.